Secret Cool Fuzz Tones with a Simple Guitar Tone Control Mod

I been playing guitar now for some 25 plus years. Over the years I have had so many guitars, amps, and pedals that I have lost count of them. However, it always seems that it's the little simple mods I do to them that turn out to be the most memorable. One such mod is one I like to call "hidden distortion" (technically it would be fuzz).
It's really easy and gives you a lot of extra tone variations, especially when used in conjunction with overdrive, fuzz, or distortion pedals. With this mod you replace the capacitor on your tone control of your guitar with a diode. You can use a silicon diode or a germanium diode. I have had better results with germanium diodes. You want to find a diode with the lowest voltage threshold you can find, the lower the threshold the more fuzz you will get.

So, after you have replaced the tone control cap with the diode, the way it works is as you turn the tone knob down the more fuzz you will get. This is because more of your guitar signal is allowed to saturate the diode until it starts to clip and creates the fuzz tone. This works with all types of pickups but works best with high output pickups. So give it a try and let me know what you think...

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At Music Studio Pro we are musicians, recording engineers, music producers,  and music production engineers.We discuss the latest in music recording equipment and techniques as well as share many of the most well kept production secrets of the industry.We also do reviews on the latest recording gear and software. We discuss guitar tones, pedals amps and how to get the sound you have always been looking for. We review the latest synths and keybords, software plugins and all the techniques used to get the hottest sounds in the industry.We also discuss live sound and the latest live sound gear and techniques. We talk about the latest consoles, line arrays processing gear and well guarded live sound secrets that the pros in the sound industry like to keep well under wraps.

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